Open Campus

This blog site is intended to be a spot where intelligent discussions of current and long term issues can occur. I sincerely hope that such rational discussions will lead to beneficial ideas.

Location: Southern California, United States

I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, finished grad school in California and in 1994 I retired from a career in high technology. My wife is my best friend and we have been together since high school. We have three children, all grown and married.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Secular Humanism - Voters

I have been wondering for some time if it is possible to take positions on voting issues based on and traceable to secular humanist principles.  For example, here in North Carolina, there is considerable furor over recently proposed changes in funding and policies associated with teacher pay and tenure.  Assume a simple model in which teacher pay would be reduced and tenure would be eliminated and yet student scores are demonstrating a continually improving trend in standardized testing.  Given that model, using secular humanism principles as a starting point, it is feasible to establish a position to support or oppose the proposed changes?

If it turns out that such a position can be derived or established with a reasonable level of rigor and rationale, I was also thinking that the formation of an organization similar to the League of Women Voters could be developed.  A sort of League of Secular Voters or League of Humanist Voters with the intent of influencing public policy as well as providing guidance for personal decisions.  I see it as an applied secular humanism forum or league or even a unified group that might even participate in political rallies.

There are many issues that could be tackled.



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